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Design of Steel and Timber Structures Complete Handwritten Note

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Based on the syllabus of Tribhuvan University(TU), Bachelor of Civil Engineering(BCE), 6th semester.


Design of Steel and Timber Structure

Course Objective:

Make students capable to design ordinary steel and timber structures.

Prepare students for advanced knowledge on design of complex steel and timber structures.

Steel Structures and their Analysis and Design [4 hours]

Introduction to Steel Structures

Structural Steel and Classification of Steel Sections

Method of Analysis and Design

Design Process and Basis for Design

Working Stress Design Method  [2 hours]

Basic Assumptions in Working Stress Design

Service Load and Permissible Stresses

Design in Tension, Compression, Bending and Shear

Limit State Design Method [3 hours]

Safety and Serviceability Requirements of Structure

Different Limit States for Steel Design

Design Strength of Materials and Design Loads

Limit State of Strength

Limit State of Serviceability

Connections in Steel Structures [10 hours]

Types of Connections

Welded Connections

Welds and welding

Design of simple welded connections

Design of eccentric welded connections

Bolted Connections

Bolts and bolting

Design of simple bolted connections

Design of eccentric bolted connections

Introduction to Riveted Connection

Tension Members [4 hours]

Types of Tension Members

Sectional Area of Tension Member

Design of Tension Members of Simple and Built-Up Section

Design of Lug Angle

Tension Splice

Compression Members [10 hours]

Types of Compression Member

Buckling Behavior of Column

Design of Column of Simple and Built-Up Section

Design of Lateral Bracing of Compression Member

Design of Eccentrically Loaded Column

Design of Column Bases

Axially loaded column bases

Eccentrically loaded column bases

Design of Column Splices

Flexure Members [13 hours]

Types of Beams

Design of Simple Beam

Design of Built-Up Beam

Design of Plate Girder

Element of plate girders

Preliminary design

Design for bending, shear, deflection and lateral stability

Curtailment of plate

Design of web and flange splice

Design of Roof Trusses [4 hours]

Types of Roof Truss and Components of Roof Truss

Loads on Roof Truss

Design of Roof Components



Timber Structures and Design Methods [2 hours]

Introduction to Timber Structures

Structural Timber and Factors Affecting the Strength of Timber

Design Methods and Basis for Design

Joints in Timber Structures [2 hours]

Types of Joints

Design of Bolted Joints

Design of Nailed Joints

Design of Compression Members [3 hours]

Types of Timber Columns

Design of Timber Column

Introduction to Column Bases

Design of Flexure Member [3 hours]

Types of Beams

Design of Timber and Flitched Beam

Design Of Steel and Timber Complete.pdf

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